GPSA Prospectus Workshop Series (GPROWS)
GPROWS is a weekly workshop series that specifically caters to PhD students affiliated with the Government Department who are working on their dissertation prospectuses. It is thus specifically designed for PhD students who are in the their third year of the program along with second year students who are on an accelerated schedule. Modeled after GPSA’s flagship Graduate Working Group (GWG), these sessions offer a unique opportunity for students to receive feedback from their peers and advance toward their prospectus defense. Unlike GWG, GPROWS is reserved exclusively for those students working on their prospectuses and is not open for presentations of any other kind.
The series is designed to take place every spring semester. Each week a student submits a draft prospectus for review and receives feedback during the following week’s session from colleagues who are also working on their prospectuses and who will present in subsequent weeks. It is essentially an independent course on prospectus development managed by the GPROWS Coordinator, who is themselves a student who presents their prospectus.
Ultimately, GPROWS is an example of the way that GPSA serves its student members and allows them to support each other through a critical stage in their advancement through the PhD program.