Spring 2018 Schedule

If you are interested in presenting a paper or learning more about the GWG seminar series, you can contact the current co-chairs at the emails designated below. The deadline for submitting an application to present during the Fall 2017 semester is Friday, September 8th.

2017-2018 GWG Co-Chairs
Andy Marshall: am3108 [at] georgetown.edu
Rabea Kirmani: rhk37 [at] georgetown.edu

Otherwise, check out the GWG Spring 2018 schedule below or download the GWG Poster and come and support the students who will be presenting this semester!

Final Spring 2018 Schedule

Thursday, 2/1, (Car Barn 110 Conference Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Ahmed Khattab
Title: “A Dualism of State Sanction: The Politicization of Extraterritorial Citizenship”

Thursday, 2/8, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Kelly Rolfes-Haase
Title: “Female Parliamentary Participation and the Length of Parental Leave in Europe”

Thursday, 2/15, No GWG – Prospectus Workshop

Thursday, 2/22, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Shubha Prasad and Filip Savatic
Title: “To Be or Not to Be: Diasporic Foreign Policy Interest Group Formation in the United States”

Thursday, 3/1, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Paula Ganga and Nik Kalynapur
Title: “Offshore Protection: Evidence from the Yukos Precedent and the Moscow Stock Exchange”

Thursday, 3/8, No GWG – Spring Break

Thursday, 3/15, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Ben Mishkin
Title: “Alliance Cohesion, Partisan Ideology, and the War in Afghanistan”

Thursday, 3/22, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Cole Livieratos
Title: “Information Operations in US Foreign Policy”


Wednesday, 3/28, (ICC 662), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Alexander Podkul
Title: “Strategy or Shared Values: Understanding Congressional Primary Vote Choice”

Thursday, 4/5, No GWG – ISA/MPSA Conferences

Thursday, 4/12, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: DongJoon Park
Title: “The Defensive Surge: Understanding the Psychological Effects of Unsuccessful Military Interventions”

Thursday, 4/19, (Arrupe Multi-Purpose Room), 12:30-1:45pm
Open Brainstorm Session

Wednesday, 4/25, (ICC 662), 12:30-1:45pm
Presenter: Franzi Lin
Title: “Coercion, Sovereignty, and (Global) Justice”