GU and Govt Dept Resources

The Georgetown University and the Government Department websites contain lots of useful information or resources buried among countless pages that are not relevant to graduate students. To help you access what is useful, we have distilled these websites down to the most important links listed below. If you need information quickly, just come to this page and get what you need right away. While useful resources might be a hassle to find through the original websites, the GPSA Team has ensured they are only a click away for you right here!

Government Department

Graduate Program Handbook

The Graduate Program Handbook contains the rules, regulations, and guidelines governing the Government PhD program. Most importantly, it delineates the requirements that all students must fulfill in order to obtain their doctorate. You can download the 2016-2017 version of the handbook in PDF form by clicking the link below.

PDF: Grad Program Handbook 2016-2017

Professional Development Resources

The link below will take you to the Government Department’s “Professional Development” page. This site contains a vast array of resources that can help students advance through the PhD program, write their dissertation, navigate the academic job market, and apply to research grants identified in the grants database. Click on the link below to directly access this page and explore these resources. You may want to bookmark this page – it is among the most useful ones for PhD students at Georgetown!

LINK: Govt Dept Professional Development

Department Forms Page

The link below will take you to the Government Department’s “Forms” page where you can download forms that you may need to advance through the PhD program. This database also includes a calendar of academic awards that students can apply for during the academic year.

LINK: Govt Dept Forms

Georgetown University

Graduate School: Funding Opportunities

The link below will lead you to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences page regarding “Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students.” Here you can explore various internal and external funding opportunities and review the policies for funding for conference travel. This is one of the most useful pages for students on the Graduate School’s website.

LINK: Grad School Funding Opportunities

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The link below will lead you to the Georgetown IRB website. Here you can find all of the information you need about the IRB review process as well as apply for IRB approval through the ERIC system. For all students interested in conducing research on human subjects, it is highly recommended that you review the information here to understand your responsibilities and obligations as you develop and implement your study.

LINK: Georgetown IRB

University Information Services (UIS)

UIS is Georgetown’s technology services center. The link below will lead you to the primary site where you can download software, including the Microsoft Office Suite, Stata, Symantec Endpoint Protection, and much more. Click the link below to explore the various technical resources provided by the University for students.

LINK: Georgetown UIS

Georgetown Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a survey-building software that can be very useful to students interested in conducting any form of survey research. Georgetown only began to provide this software to the University community in July 2017. Definitely worth exploring if relevant to your research interests.

LINK: Georgetown Qualtrics