Other Resources

In addition to connecting students to resources that are available on campus, the GPSA Team has compiled a list of useful links to external sites which contain useful and interesting information or tools for students. These external sites are grouped into four different categories: (1) Political Science Associations, (2) External Grants, (3) Think Tanks and Research Centers, and (4) Blogs and Public Outreach. We hope these links will help students stay connected to the broader political science research and policy communities in the United States and beyond.

1. Political Science Associations

American Political Science Association (APSA): APSA Home

International Studies Association (ISA): ISA Home

2. External Grants

Fulbright Grants: Fulbright Home

National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants: NSF Social Sciences Funding

3. Think Tanks and Research Centers

American Enterprise Institute (AEI): AEI Home

Brookings Institution: Brookings Home

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): CFR Home

PEW Research Center: PEW Home

4. Blogs and Outreach

The Monkey Cage

The Monkey Cage is a branch of the Washington Post where academics from around the country and the world provide unique analyses of current events. It is a rare means by which academics reach out to the broader public and attempt to spread awareness about how political science research speaks to the latest headlines.

LINK: Monkey Cage Home

The Duck of Minerva

The Duck of Minerva is a blog about world politics, political science, and other social issues of global significance from the perspective of academics. It was founded in 2005 by Georgetown’s very own Prof. Dan Nexon.

LINK: Duck of Minerva Home