Apply to Present at the GWG!

The Political Science Graduate Working Group (GWG) is issuing a call for paper submissions for the Spring 2018 semester. We welcome projects from all four political science sub-fields (International Relations, Comparative Politics, American Government, and Political Theory) that could benefit from peer feedback. Projects that cross sub-fields are also welcome.

If interested, please email the following information to Rabea Kirmani ( and Andy Marshall ( by Friday, January 19th, 2018:

  1. Paper/Talk Title
  2. Name(s) of Author(s)
  3. 200-word abstract
  4. Paper purpose and status (e.g., conference presentation)
  5. Preferred discussant (if known; we are happy to select a discussant for you if desired)
  6. Preferred week of presentation – GWG will most likely take place on Thursday afternoons (12:30 to 2:00 p.m.) during the spring semester, though we are still finalizing the schedule.
  7. Format: traditional paper presentation or part of a multi-project brainstorming session
  8. Do you want your session to be open to faculty participation?

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email either Andy or Rabea (or both). We want to stress that GWG is truly open to all PhD students, regardless of sub-field or year in the program, and we hope to see broad participation!

PhD Thanksgiving Potluck Sign-Ups!

PhD Students! You’re invited to the annual GPSA PhD Thanksgiving Potluck, which will be happening this Saturday, November 18th, starting at 4pm.

This year, Stephan Pikner and his family have kindly agreed to be our wonderful hosts! We have had really fantastic turnout and a great time in years past – and we hope that many of you will be able to make it and partake in the festivities! There will be great company and great food, and we will be bringing out all the GPSA board games as well!

If you plan to attend, please sign-up to contribute to the feast by clicking on the hyperlink to this sign-up spreadsheet. Those of you who are in need of a ride to the Potluck or are willing and able to drive others, please indicate that in the designated columns in the spreadsheet as well.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephan at sjp90 [at] Otherwise, check out the flyer below for more exciting information about the Potluck.

GPSA PhD Thanksgiving Potluck Flyer

Govt Grad Drinks Tonight!

Grad Students of the Govt Department!

Do you need a mid-semester break? Do you need to get out of the library and spend some time with other awesome grad students? If so, come get drinks with your fellow grads of the Govt Department!

When: TODAY, Saturday, October 14th
What Time: 7.30 – 10pm
Where: The Sovereign (1206 Wisconsin Ave.)
Take a break, have a drink, make a friend! Ph.D. and M.A. students invited!
See you there!

Check Out the Fall 2017 GWG Schedule!

After a slight delay, the complete schedule for the Graduate Working Group (GWG) has been set for the Fall 2017 semester! Check out who will be presenting by going to the GWG page, available at the link here: GWG. GWG sessions are being held on Thursdays, from 12:30-2:00pm. Please note that the room location will be changing throughout the semester so keep your eyes open for the weekly announcements being sent out by the GWG coordinators, Andy Marshall and Rabea Kirmani. If you have any questions or would like to apply to present next semester, please feel free to contact the coordinators at any time. Otherwise, come support the presenters!

GPSA PhD Welcome (Back) Drinks Today!

Hi everyone! Come to the Tombs later today (Friday, 8/25), at 4.30pm for GPSA’s “Welcome (Back) Drinks”! We are getting together see each other and to meet the new PhD Cohort, which will be celebrating the end of Math Camp! Hope to see you!

What: GPSA PhD Welcome (Back) Drinks
When: Today, Friday, August 25, 4.30pm+
Where: The Tombs

Welcome to the new GPSA website!

The 2017-2018 GPSA Board is excited to launch the first ever official GPSA website! Two of our primary goals this year are to make GPSA an organization that is more relevant to all of our student members and to improve the organization’s brand on campus! We see this website as a step toward achieving both goals. Looking forward, we sincerely hope that this site will develop into an invaluable tool that students can consult for the latest information about GPSA and Government Department events, as well as to obtain useful resources that will help them advance through their graduate studies.