The Graduate Working Group (GWG) is a student-run seminar series dedicated to providing a forum in which Georgetown Government Department PhD students can receive feedback on academic papers which may be intended for conferences and/or publication.

The format of the event is a workshop. Each session has a discussant that provides focused comments on that week’s paper before opening the floor to comments from all other students in attendance. Graduate students in all sub-fields of Political Science are encouraged to attend and offer feedback, or to submit papers for work-shopping. Students in other related disciplines might also be interested.

Pizza and soft drinks are served every time!

If you are interested in presenting a paper or learning more about the GWG seminar series, you can contact the current co-chairs at the emails designated below. You can also check out the Applications to Present page for information on the application process, as well as past schedules.

2019-2020 GWG Chairs: TBA